Monday, October 26, 2009

Hope, My Twin

Hope, even though it has only been a few months, you have become one of my best friends. Not "bestie", but best friend. You are so hilarious, and in some ways we are just alike and that's why I call you my twin. I'm going to miss those times in AP US History, all the laughs and us taking about all those horrible people (Troll). We had some laughs man, I swear I have never laughed that much in my life. I remember when we went to those football games too, us screaming, and didn't even know why we were screaming! And I remember, "Red booga? Red booga $5!" Man that cracked us up! Even at lunch we were cracking up! I know that's one thing we both love, food. You'd tease me because my tray would be like, totally empty! I love the bracelet that you made me, and I promise I will wear it everyday. And you better too. Lol! I love you so much Hope, and I'm so grateful to have someone like you in my life. You are my twin, and always will be!

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