Monday, October 26, 2009

Jonathon, My French Buddie

Jonathon, you are one of the few greatest people I have ever met. We have only known each other for a few months, but it feels like I've known you for forever. You helped me through a lot this year. I came to you with most of my problems, and not once did you judge me. I think we helped each other out a lot. We had so many laughs in French class, and that little thing where you put your finger through like the other side of my (and everyone else's) elbow, ugh, that is so annoying! But I'll remember you for it. Lol! You always made me laugh when I was having a bad day, and I'd always feel better after I talked to you. You are an amazing guy, don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. I won't for get to put the "W" on my wall either! Lol. I'm going to always remember you, and the great times we've had.

Ruth, My Forever Sister

Ruth we have known each other since the fourth grade. We've been through so freakin' much it's not even funny! I remember we used to go to the library instead of going to PE and Mrs. Jones would always get on us for that. Goodness, do you remember Trevor? Ugh, we had like super freakin' crushes on him! We wrote so many notes too, I still have all of them... Then in 8th grade, when we traded clothes all the time. Remember that time you and Joyclin were trying to get that belt on me, and we were cracking up because it wouldn't fit! I still crack up all the time over that! Even when we got to high school, we had great times. Staying after school and doing all of our, well you know, secret "Haliwell" stuff. Lol, I'm telling you those were the best times. We've helped each other through boyfriends (ugh) and you've even helped me with a few girlfriends. We got each others backs like that! Even though we are like complete opposites, we are just like twins. And that's why I'll always love you Big Sister!

Robert, My Protective Best Friend

Robert, we have known each other for so long. Since the fourth grade and unfortunately you got expelled. You so got that throwing the chair idea from me! Lol! You were always so protective over me, and you still are. I thank you for that. You always put a smile on my face, and you were one of the few guys I could talk to without you bringing up some gross stuff, or shit I didn't really care about. I remember for that brief period of time we dated, and you were a good boyfriend. Your like my big brother, but also my best friend. You are one of the few who actually care about me, and I love that about you. You always beat me up but you always looked out for me. I'll miss those times in Bible Study and in our old neighborhood. The only thing that makes me sad is that we never did take a lot of pictures together. I so blame you! Lol! You'll always be my best friend, and my protective big brother. I love you forever!

Bj, My LITTLE Brother

BJ, you are really awesome, and I love you for it. I do admit, you've gotten on my nerves, a whole lot. But I still kept you around because you are an amazing friend! I remember how you'd always freakin' mess with me during Bible Study, and never did stop texting me, well, when I did have a cell phone. You were always giving me good advice, and I always went to you, when I had a problem. Another thing I've loved about you was that you always told me the truth. I'll definitely remember the summer we worked together. Remember how Mrs. Ambles would piss us the freak off? And we'd always talk about her? You made that summer really good, and I don't think I would have had a better summer with out you. You will forever be my best friend, and little brother.

Jennifer, My Ultimate Bestie

Jennifer you are one of the most amazingly awesome people I know! None of my friends compare to you. Your funny, your personality is like on Mars, and your so caring to everyone. You know you dress so freakin', um, swaggalicious? XD I can tell you anything and you'd still accept me for who I am. Not everyone has a bestie like that. I'm so grateful that I got a friend like you, and the people who take you for granted, are crazy. I remember the very first time we met, we were in the 8th grade Spanish class. You sat behind me and I always made you play or comb my hair. I always remember you having food too! But when we got to high school, that's when we really connected, right there in Mr. Payton's class. We had a lot of good times there, and at lucnh, and we always stayed after school. We had so many sleepover (always me over your house, lol) and those were such hilarious times! Remember at night when we went out to your Dad's truck, and you'd turn the music up so freakin' loud, and we'd dance in the streets and the back of the truck. Then the police would come and we'd run in the car, turn the music off, and hide. That was so much fun! I also remember when we went to Stone Mountain Village and we would be walking and one of us would say, one, two, three, and we'd strike a pose. That was so hilarious! I remember eating lunch outside by the tracks or in the hallway. I've had some of the greatest times of my life with you. I know we won't ever lose contact, and we'll always be besties!

Tamara, My Sane Friend

Tamara, you are so nice, but oh so deceiving. Your like one of those naught angels! But that is exactly why I love you so much. You know when to be nice, but you also know how to kick somebody's ass when you need to! I know you will do awesome in life, and you won't let anyone stand in your way. You were always the sane one in our group. You held us together, put a voice of reason in, and calmed us down when we needed it. We had so many great times, and I promise I'll find you a good spot in Valdosta for your extra, um, dead bodies. Lol! You're everything that a good friend has. And that's exactly what I was looking for, a good, and honest friend. I love you Tamara!

Jade, My "Gey" Friend

Jade, oh my freakin' gosh, you are fucking awesome! You are the most random, funniest, exciting, loud (in a good way), caring (in your own way), lovable (at least for me) person in the whole wide world. You are so unique, and it kills me that I can't take you with me! I will never find another person like you! You brought the little bit of crazy that was left in me, out. All those times when it was you against the class, was hilarious! You always made me see a totally different side of things, and I now see the whole world differently. I'm so going to miss you scream "69!" Not once did you fail to put a smile on my face. I'm going to miss you looking up yaoi and drawing me yuri (I'm so going to keep that cheerleader picture!) We've had some awesome crazy times that I will never forget! I love you Jade!

Hope, My Twin

Hope, even though it has only been a few months, you have become one of my best friends. Not "bestie", but best friend. You are so hilarious, and in some ways we are just alike and that's why I call you my twin. I'm going to miss those times in AP US History, all the laughs and us taking about all those horrible people (Troll). We had some laughs man, I swear I have never laughed that much in my life. I remember when we went to those football games too, us screaming, and didn't even know why we were screaming! And I remember, "Red booga? Red booga $5!" Man that cracked us up! Even at lunch we were cracking up! I know that's one thing we both love, food. You'd tease me because my tray would be like, totally empty! I love the bracelet that you made me, and I promise I will wear it everyday. And you better too. Lol! I love you so much Hope, and I'm so grateful to have someone like you in my life. You are my twin, and always will be!

Tianna, My True Love

Tianna, you are the most beautiful girl in the whole wide world. Don't let anyone else tell you different. We've known each other only since freshman year, but somehow you were able to catch my heart, and keep it. I remember when we first met, in the social studies class. I remember he was such a push over. Anyway, when we first started becoming friends, I felt I could trust you with anything. You were one of the first people to know that I was cutting myself, and one of the very few that actually cared. Your the main reason I stopped too. We have a lot in common, and I remember having those long deep discussions with you. We share the same love for Saw and horror movies. And the same love to entertain. It's so hard to find a great person like that and I'm glad I found you. Every time I think of you, every thing goes hazy because I can only focus on your beautiful face. So it was the second semester of tenth grade when we finally fell in love. None of my other boyfriends (thank Lord I stopped with those) or girlfriends have compared to you. You are so freakin' awesome. You always have something to talk about, and you are just so sincere! Tell me who has someone like that? I miss you so freakin' much, I have never missed anyone this much. I love you forever and always Tianna. We will be together again, I promise.

Victoria, My Moon Sister

Victoria you are freakin' awesome. But of course you already know that, Mrs. High Energy! Lol! I remember the first time we met, it was in French class with that crazy lady Madame Clarke! You were so freakin' good in French! Anyway, we hung out after school at Stone Mountain (which we both miss), and we even found out we were sisters! What a surprise that was, lol. You can be so interesting and I learn something new from you everyday! Then when you came to Lithonia, I was so happy, and it really surprised me that I was so happy. We started staying after school together again and that was so fun, and I have pictures to prove it! Lol! We share some of the same interests and I start liking new things because of you. I know you can dominate anything and anybody. I have faith in you! Lol. You are one of my most awesomest friends I have ever met, and it's all thanks to the fact that we're Leos baby! Thanks so much just being there to listen to my stupid problems. I know we'll always be Moon Sisters.

Alycia, My Best Friend Forever

Alycia, you have always been my best friend, ever since 2nd grade. We first met in Discovery and ever since those times in Mrs. Rogers class, we've been inseparable. Even when I transferred to Freedom Middle, and I came back, we were still best friends. You were the only person I could act myself around, maybe because you were just as crazy as I was! I could tell you anything, and I sure did tell you anything and everything, and you'd still stick right by my side. You always had your way of knowing stuff before I told you. I admit, that kinda creeped me out, but I did get used to it. Lol! We have so much in common, but we're also so different. You know when some of those myspace graphics say "She's the sister God forgot to give me"? That saying definitely applies here. I could say something like "chookie loopa" and you'd know exactly what I'm saying. I mean, really! Who has that kind of friendship?? The funny thing is, that we've never had a fight before. Like, freakin' never. Who has that kind of friendship?? All these times in AP World History, Physical Science, ROTC, and Literature will not be forgotten! From the monkeys blowing up in the rocket ships, to the vampire flowers, and us painting the roads neon colors, me moving freakin' four hours away will not change anything. Even us enslaving the fairies, working with Obama, and keeping the roosters away from my chocolate stash won't change either. We'll still be blowing each other (and everyone else XD) up and making our (billionth) plans to go to Japan. Plus, we'll be going to college together (whether you like it or not XD), so I know for a fact that we're always going to be the bestest of friends!